
Behnam Malakooti

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10EESanjaya Gajurel, Behnam Malakooti: Re-Configurable Antenna & Transmission Power for Location Aware MANET Routing with Multiple Objective Optimization. JNW 3(3): 11-18 (2008)
9EEZhihao Guo, Behnam Malakooti: Predictive Multiple Metrics in Proactive Mobile Ad Hoc Network Routing. LCN 2007: 755-762
8EEBarrit J. Barritt, Behnam Malakooti, Zhihao Guo: Intelligent Multiple-Criteria Broadcasting in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. LCN 2006: 761-768
7EEBehnam Malakooti, Ziyong Yang: Clustering and group selection of multiple criteria alternatives with application to space-based networks. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 34(1): 40-51 (2004)
6EEBehnam Malakooti, Jumah E. Al-alwani: Extremist vs. centrist decision behavior: quasi-convex utility functions for interactive multi-objective linear programming problems. Computers & OR 29(14): 2003-2021 (2002)
5 Behnam Malakooti: Ranking and screening multiple criteria alternatives with partial information and use of ordinal and cardinal strength of preferences. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 30(3): 355-368 (2000)
4EEBehnam Malakooti, Sriram Subramanian: Generalized polynomial decomposable multiple attribute utility functions for ranking and rating multiple criteria discrete alternatives. Applied Mathematics and Computation 106(1): 69-102 (1999)
3EEJun Wang, Behnam Malakooti: Author's response. Neural Networks 8(4): 660- (1995)
2EEJun Wang, Behnam Malakooti: A feedforward neural network for multiple criteria decision making. Computers & OR 19(2): 151-167 (1992)
1EEBehnam Malakooti: Ranking multiple criteria alternatives with half-space, convex, and non-convex dominating cones: quasi-concave and quasi-convex multiple attribute utility functions. Computers & OR 16(2): 117-127 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Jumah E. Al-alwani [6]
2Barrit J. Barritt [8]
3Sanjaya Gajurel [10]
4Zhihao Guo [8] [9]
5Sriram Subramanian [4]
6Jun Wang [2] [3]
7Ziyong Yang [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)