
Takenori Makino

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4 Takenori Makino: Shift-Net and Power Shift-Net for Parallel Processor Systems. Parallel Computing 20(7): 1027-1039 (1994)
3 Yuzuru Fujiwara, Jinjuan Lai, Takenori Makino: Management and Advanced Utilization of Semantically Organized Terminology and Knowledge. Terminology and Knowledge Engineering 1993: 141-151
2 Akira Sekino, Ken Takeuchi, Takenori Makino, Katsuya Hakozaki, Tsugunori Doi, Tatsuo Goto: Design Considerations for an Information Query Computer. Advanced Database Machine Architecture 1983: 130-167
1EEKatsuya Hakozaki, Takenori Makino, Masayuki Mizuma, Mamoru Umemura, Shigeki Hiyoshi: A Conceptual Design of a Generalized Database Subsystem. VLDB 1977: 246-253

Coauthor Index

1Tsugunori Doi [2]
2Yuzuru Fujiwara [3]
3Tatsuo Goto [2]
4Katsuya Hakozaki [1] [2]
5Shigeki Hiyoshi [1]
6Jinjuan Lai [3]
7Masayuki Mizuma [1]
8Akira Sekino [2]
9Ken Takeuchi [2]
10Mamoru Umemura [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)