
Ahmad Abdul Majid

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6EEFatimah Yahya, Jamaludin Md Ali, Ahmad Abdul Majid, Arsmah Ibrahim: Automatic G1 Surface Reconstruction from Serial Cross-Sectional Images. VISUAL 2008: 96-99
5EEAzizan Saaban, Abd. Rahni Mt. Piah, Ahmad Abdul Majid: Range Restricted C2 Interpolant to Scattered Data. CGIV 2007: 183-188
4EEAzizan Saaban, Abd. Rahni Mt. Piah, Ahmad Abdul Majid: Positivity-Preserving Scattered Data Interpolating Surface using C1 Piecewise Cubic Triangular Patches. CGIV 2006: 490-495
3EEFatimah Yahya, Jamaludin Md Ali, Ahmad Abdul Majid, Arsmah Ibrahim: An Automatic Generation of G1 Curve Fitting of Arabic Characters. CGIV 2006: 542-547
2EEAzizan Saaban, Abd. Rahni Mt. Piah, Ahmad Abdul Majid, L. H. T. Chang: G¹ Scattered Data Interpolation with Minimized Sum of Squares of Principal Curvatures. CGIV 2005: 385-390
1EEAbdul Fatah Wahab, Jamaludin Md Ali, Ahmad Abdul Majid, Abu Osman Md. Tap: Fuzzy Set in Geometric Modeling. CGIV 2004: 227-232

Coauthor Index

1Jamaludin Md Ali [1] [3] [6]
2L. H. T. Chang [2]
3Arsmah Ibrahim [3] [6]
4Abd. Rahni Mt. Piah [2] [4] [5]
5Azizan Saaban [2] [4] [5]
6Abu Osman Md. Tap [1]
7Abdul Fatah Wahab [1]
8Fatimah Yahya [3] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)