
Vítczslav Maixner

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4EEVítczslav Maixner: Some remarks on entropy prediction of natural language texts. Information Storage and Retrieval 7(6): 293-295 (1971)
3EEVítczslav Maixner: Towards compensation laws in constructing thesauri. Information Storage and Retrieval 6(5): 383-385 (1970)
2EEVítczslav Maixner: An elementary general syntax for retrieval languages. Information Storage and Retrieval 5(3): 135-137 (1969)
1EEVítczslav Maixner: On some general methodological problems of retrieval languages. Information Storage and Retrieval 5(3): 143-144 (1969)

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)