
Yannis Maistros

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6EEKostas Fragos, Yannis Maistros: A goodness of fit test approach in information retrieval. Inf. Retr. 9(3): 331-342 (2006)
5 Kostas Fragos, Yannis Maistros, Christos Skourlas: A Weighted Maximum Entropy Language Model for Text Classification. NLUCS 2005: 55-67
4EEKostas Fragos, Yannis Maistros: Distributional Analysis of Related Synsets in Wordnet for a Word Sense Disambiguation Task. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 14(6): 919-934 (2005)
3 Kostas Fragos, Yannis Maistros, Christos Skourlas: Discovering Collocations in Modern Greek Language. NLUCS 2004: 151-158
2 Yannis Kotsanis, Yannis Maistros: Describing morphological phenomena of Modern Greek using a unification grammar formalism. Inf. Syst. 16(6): 641-647 (1991)
1EEYannis Kotsanis, Yannis Maistros: "Lexifanis" A Lexical Analyzer of Modern Greek. EACL 1985: 154-158

Coauthor Index

1Kostas Fragos [3] [4] [5] [6]
2Yannis Kotsanis [1] [2]
3Christos Skourlas [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)