
Roberto Maieli

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7EEOlivier Laurent, Roberto Maieli: Cut Elimination for Monomial MALL Proof Nets. LICS 2008: 486-497
6EERoberto Maieli: Retractile Proof Nets of the Purely Multiplicative and Additive Fragment of Linear Logic. LPAR 2007: 363-377
5EEJean-Marc Andreoli, Roberto Maieli, Paul Ruet: Non-commutative proof construction: A constraint-based approach. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 142(1-3): 212-244 (2006)
4EERoberto Maieli, Quintijn Puite: Modularity of proof-nets. Arch. Math. Log. 44(2): 167-193 (2005)
3EERoberto Maieli: A new correctness criterion for multiplicative non-commutative proof nets. Arch. Math. Log. 42(3): 205-220 (2003)
2EERoberto Maieli, Paul Ruet: Non-commutative logic III: focusing proofs. Inf. Comput. 185(2): 233-262 (2003)
1 Jean-Marc Andreoli, Roberto Maieli: Fucusing and Proof-Nets in Linear and Non-commutative Logic. LPAR 1999: 321-336

Coauthor Index

1Jean-Marc Andreoli [1] [5]
2Olivier Laurent [7]
3Quintijn Puite [4]
4Paul Ruet [2] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)