
Ashraf S. Mahmoud

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4EESabri A. Mahmoud, Ashraf S. Mahmoud: Arabic Character Recognition Using Modified Fourier Spectrum (MFS) vs. Fourier Descriptors. Cybernetics and Systems 40(3): 189-210 (2009)
3EESalman AlQahtani, Ashraf S. Mahmoud, Asrar U. Sheikh: Performance Analysis of Adaptive Rate Scheduling Scheme for 3G WCDMA Wireless Networks with Multi-Operators. ICC 2007: 4811-4816
2EESalman A. Al Qahtani, Ashraf S. Mahmoud: Simulation Based Study of Adaptive Rate Scheduling for Multi-Operator 3G Mobile Wireless Networks. VTC Spring 2007: 1209-1213
1EESabri A. Mahmoud, Ashraf S. Mahmoud: Arabic Character Recognition using Modified Fourier Spectrum (MFS). GMAI 2006: 155-159

Coauthor Index

1Salman AlQahtani [3]
2Sabri A. Mahmoud [1] [4]
3Salman A. Al Qahtani [2]
4Asrar U. Sheikh [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)