
Sanjeev Mahajan

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14EESanjeev Mahajan, Edgar A. Ramos, K. V. Subrahmanyam: Solving Some Discrepancy Problems in NC. Algorithmica 29(3): 371-395 (2001)
13 Sanjeev Mahajan, H. Ramesh: Derandomizing Approximation Algorithms Based on Semidefinite Programming. SIAM J. Comput. 28(5): 1641-1663 (1999)
12EESanjeev Mahajan, Edgar A. Ramos, K. V. Subrahmanyam: Solving Some Discrepancy Problems in NC. FSTTCS 1997: 22-36
11 Arvind Gupta, Sanjeev Mahajan: Using Amplification to Compute Majority with Small Majority Gates. Computational Complexity 6(1): 46-63 (1997)
10 Xiaotie Deng, Sanjeev Mahajan: The Cost of Derandomization: Computability or Competitiveness. SIAM J. Comput. 26(3): 786-802 (1997)
9 Arvind Gupta, Damon Kaller, Sanjeev Mahajan, Thomas C. Shermer: Vertex Partitioning Problems On Partial k-Trees. SWAT 1996: 161-172
8 Pierre Kelsen, Sanjeev Mahajan, Ramesh Hariharan: Approximate Hypergraph Coloring. SWAT 1996: 41-52
7 Noga Alon, Pierre Kelsen, Sanjeev Mahajan, Ramesh Hariharan: Approximate Hypergraph Coloring. Nord. J. Comput. 3(4): 425-439 (1996)
6 Roman Bacik, Sanjeev Mahajan: Semidefinite Programming and its Applications to NP Problems. COCOON 1995: 566-575
5 Sanjeev Mahajan, Ramesh Hariharan: Derandomizing Semidefinite Programming Based Approximation Algorithms. FOCS 1995: 162-169
4EERoman Bacik, Sanjeev Mahajan: Semidefinite Programming and its Applications to NP Problems Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 2(11): (1995)
3EESanjeev Mahajan, Joseph G. Peters: Regularity and Locality in K-terminal Graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 54(2-3): 229-250 (1994)
2 Xiaotie Deng, Sanjeev Mahajan: Infinite Games, Randomization, Computability, and Applications to Online Problems (Preliminary Version) STOC 1991: 289-298
1 Xiaotie Deng, Sanjeev Mahajan: Server Problems and Resistive Spaces. Inf. Process. Lett. 37(4): 193-196 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Noga Alon [7]
2Roman Bacik [4] [6]
3Xiaotie Deng [1] [2] [10]
4Arvind Gupta [9] [11]
5Ramesh Hariharan [5] [7] [8]
6Damon Kaller [9]
7Pierre Kelsen [7] [8]
8Joseph G. Peters [3]
9H. Ramesh [13]
10Edgar A. Ramos [12] [14]
11Thomas C. Shermer [9]
12K. V. Subrahmanyam [12] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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