
Dimitris Magos

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12EEDimitris Magos, Ioannis Mourtos: The wheels of the OLS polytope: Facets and separation. Discrete Mathematics 308(16): 3634-3651 (2008)
11EEPavlos Eirinakis, Dimitris Magos, Ioannis Mourtos, Panayiotis Miliotis: Hyperarc Consistency for the Stable Admissions Problem. ICTAI (1) 2007: 239-242
10EEDimitris Magos, Ioannis Mourtos, Leonidas S. Pitsoulis: Consistency of the Matching Predicate. SETN 2006: 555-558
9EEGautam Appa, Dimitris Magos, Ioannis Mourtos: A new class of facets for the Latin square polytope. Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(6): 900-911 (2006)
8EEGautam Appa, Dimitris Magos, Ioannis Mourtos, Jeannette C. M. Janssen: On the orthogonal Latin squares polytope. Discrete Mathematics 306(2): 171-187 (2006)
7EEGautam Appa, Dimitris Magos, Ioannis Mourtos: Searching for Mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares via integer and constraint programming. European Journal of Operational Research 173(2): 519-530 (2006)
6EEDimitris Magos, Ioannis Mourtos, Leonidas S. Pitsoulis: The Matching Predicate and a Filtering Scheme Based on Matroids. JCP 1(6): 37-42 (2006)
5EEGautam Appa, Dimitris Magos, Ioannis Mourtos: On the system of two all_different predicates. Inf. Process. Lett. 94(3): 99-105 (2005)
4EEGautam Appa, Dimitris Magos, Ioannis Mourtos: The Wheels of the Orthogonal Latin Squares Polytope: Classification and Valid Inequalities. J. Comb. Optim. 10(4): 365-389 (2005)
3EEGautam Appa, Dimitris Magos, Ioannis Mourtos: LP Relaxations of Multiple all_different Predicates. CPAIOR 2004: 364-369
2EEGautam Appa, Dimitris Magos, Ioannis Mourtos: An LP-based proof for the non-existence of a pair of orthogonal Latin squares of order 6. Oper. Res. Lett. 32(4): 336-344 (2004)
1EEGautam Appa, Ioannis Mourtos, Dimitris Magos: Integrating Constraint and Integer Programming for the Orthogonal Latin Squares Problem. CP 2002: 17-32

Coauthor Index

1Gautam Appa [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9]
2Pavlos Eirinakis [11]
3Jeannette C. M. Janssen (Jeannette Janssen) [8]
4Panayiotis Miliotis [11]
5Ioannis Mourtos [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
6Leonidas S. Pitsoulis [6] [10]

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