
Jorge F. Magallanes

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4EENeva Groselj, Jure Zupan, Silvia Reich, Laura Dawidowski, Darío Gomez, Jorge F. Magallanes: 2D Mapping by Kohonen Networks of the Air Quality Data From a Large City. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 44(2): 339-346 (2004)
3EEJorge F. Magallanes, Jure Zupan, Darío Gomez, Silvia Reich, Laura Dawidowski, Neva Groselj: The Mean Angular Distance Among Objects and Its Relationships with Kohonen Artificial Neural Networks. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 43(5): 1403-1411 (2003)
2EEJorge F. Magallanes, Patricia Smichowski, Julieta Marrero: Optimization and Empirical Modeling of HG-ICP-AES Analytical Technique through Artificial Neural Networks. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 41(3): 824-829 (2001)
1EEJorge F. Magallanes, Cristina Vazquez: Automatic Classification of Steels by Processing Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectra with Artificial Neural Networks. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 38(4): 605-609 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Laura Dawidowski [3] [4]
2Darío Gomez [3] [4]
3Neva Groselj [3] [4]
4Julieta Marrero [2]
5Silvia Reich [3] [4]
6Patricia Smichowski [2]
7Cristina Vazquez [1]
8Jure Zupan [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)