
Sergio Maffioletti

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4EEEric Cogneras, Szymon Gadomski, Sigve Haug, Peter Z. Kunszt, Sergio Maffioletti, Riccardo Murri, Cyril Topfel: The Swiss ATLAS Grid. GPC 2009: 91-97
3EENabil Abdennadher, Peter Engel, Derek Feichtinger, Dean Flanders, Placi Flury, Sigve Haug, Pascal Jermini, Sergio Maffioletti, Cesare Pautasso, Heinz Stockinger, Wibke Sudholt, Michela Thiémard, Nadya Williams, Christoph Witzig: Initializing a National Grid Infrastructure — Lessons Learned from the Swiss National Grid Association Seed Project. CCGRID 2008: 169-176
2EEAndreas Quandt, Patricia Hernandez, Alexandre Masselot, Céline Hernandez, Sergio Maffioletti, Cesare Pautasso, Ron D. Appel, Frédérique Lisacek: swissPIT: a novel approach for pipelined analysis of mass spectrometry data. Bioinformatics 24(11): 1416-1417 (2008)
1EEMichael Podvinec, Sergio Maffioletti, Peter Z. Kunszt, Konstantin Arnold, Lorenzo Cerutti, Bruno Nyffeler, Ralph Schlapbach, Can Türker, Heinz Stockinger, Arthur J. Thomas, Manuel C. Peitsch, Torsten Schwede: The SwissBioGrid Project: Objectivse, Preliminary Results and Lessons Learned. e-Science 2006: 148

Coauthor Index

1Nabil Abdennadher [3]
2Ron D. Appel [2]
3Konstantin Arnold [1]
4Lorenzo Cerutti [1]
5Eric Cogneras [4]
6Peter Engel [3]
7Derek Feichtinger [3]
8Dean Flanders [3]
9Placi Flury [3]
10Szymon Gadomski [4]
11Sigve Haug [3] [4]
12Céline Hernandez [2]
13Patricia Hernandez [2]
14Pascal Jermini [3]
15Peter Z. Kunszt [1] [4]
16Frédérique Lisacek [2]
17Alexandre Masselot [2]
18Riccardo Murri [4]
19Bruno Nyffeler [1]
20Cesare Pautasso [2] [3]
21Manuel C. Peitsch [1]
22Michael Podvinec [1]
23Andreas Quandt [2]
24Ralph Schlapbach [1]
25Torsten Schwede [1]
26Heinz Stockinger [1] [3]
27Wibke Sudholt [3]
28Michela Thiémard [3]
29Arthur J. Thomas [1]
30Cyril Topfel [4]
31Can Türker [1]
32Nadya Williams [3]
33Christoph Witzig [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)