
Takanori Maesako

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6EEHai Zhang, Takanori Maesako: A Framework of Learner Development Ecosystem for Designing a Ubiquitous Educational Informational Infrastructure. JSW 4(2): 124-131 (2009)
5EEHai Zhang, Takanori Maesako: A Theoretical Framework of Ecosystem of Learner Development for Designing a Practical Ubiquitous Learning Environment. WBL 2008: 83-92
4 Wee Toon Huey, Takanori Maesako: Development of a Dynamic Web-Based Information System for Parents and Pupils to Enhance Decision-Making by School Personnel: A Case Study of Jurong Primary School, Singapore. ICCE 2002: 901-905
3EEOsamu Morikawa, Takanori Maesako: The Relationship between the Arrangement of Participants and the Comfortableness of Conversation in HyperMirror. Cognitive Technology 2001: 109-116
2EEOsamu Morikawa, Takanori Maesako: HyperMirror: Toward Pleasant-to-Use Video Mediated Communication System. CSCW 1998: 149-158
1EEOsamu Morikawa, Takanori Maesako: HyperMirror: A Video-Mediated Communication System. CHI Extended Abstracts 1997: 317-318

Coauthor Index

1Wee Toon Huey [4]
2Osamu Morikawa [1] [2] [3]
3Hai Zhang [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)