
Shirin Madon

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5EEDavid Lewis, Shirin Madon: Information Systems and Non-Governmental Development Organisations: Advocacy, Organisational Learning, and Accountability. Inf. Soc. 20(2): (2004)
4EEShirin Madon, Sundeep Sahay: An Information-Based Model of NGO-Mediation for the Empowerment of Slum Dwellers in Bangalore. Inf. Soc. 18(1): (2002)
3 Carsten Sørensen, Edgar A. Whitley, Shirin Madon, Dasha Klyachko, Ian Hosein, Justine Johnstone: Cultivating Recalcitrance in Information Systems Research. Realigning Research and Practice in Information Systems Development 2001: 297-316
2EEShirin Madon: The Information Based Global Economy & Socio-Economic Development: The case of Bangalore. Inf. Soc. 13(3): (1997)
1 Shirin Madon: Information systems for development planning: Managing the process of organisational change. ECIS 1993: 31-38

Coauthor Index

1Ian Hosein [3]
2Justine Johnstone [3]
3Dasha Klyachko [3]
4David Lewis [5]
5Sundeep Sahay [4]
6Carsten Sørensen [3]
7Edgar A. Whitley [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)