
Milon Mackey

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3 Gregory D. Buzzard, David Jacobson, Milon Mackey, Scott Marovich, John Wilkes: An Implementation of the Hamlyn Sender-Managed Interface Architecture. OSDI 1996: 245-259
2 Ming C. Hao, Alan H. Karp, Milon Mackey, Vineet Singh, Jane Chien: On-the-Fly Visualization and Debugging of Parallel Programs. MASCOTS 1994: 386-391
1 Chia Chao, Milon Mackey, Bart Sears: Mach on a Virtually Addressed Cache Architecture. USENIX MACH Symposium 1990: 31-52

Coauthor Index

1Gregory D. Buzzard [3]
2Chia Chao [1]
3Jane Chien [2]
4Ming C. Hao [2]
5David Jacobson [3]
6Alan H. Karp [2]
7Scott Marovich [3]
8Bart Sears [1]
9Vineet Singh [2]
10John Wilkes [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)