
Sridhar Machiraju

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11EESoshant Bali, Sridhar Machiraju, Hui Zang: PAQ: A Starvation-Resistant Alternative to Proportional Fair. ICC 2008: 3012-3016
10EEMukund Seshadri, Sridhar Machiraju, Ashwin Sridharan, Jean Bolot, Christos Faloutsos, Jure Leskovec: Mobile call graphs: beyond power-law and lognormal distributions. KDD 2008: 596-604
9EEXin Liu, Ashwin Sridharan, Sridhar Machiraju, Mukund Seshadri, Hui Zang: Experiences in a 3G network: interplay between the wireless channel and applications. MOBICOM 2008: 211-222
8EEJustin Ormont, Jordan Walker, Suman Banerjee, Ashwin Sridharan, Mukund Seshadri, Sridhar Machiraju: A city-wide vehicular infrastructure for wide-area wireless experimentation. WINTECH 2008: 3-10
7EEFrançois Baccelli, Sridhar Machiraju, Darryl Veitch, Jean Bolot: On optimal probing for delay and loss measurement. Internet Measurement Comference 2007: 291-302
6EESoshant Bali, Sridhar Machiraju, Hui Zang: Beyond Proportional Fair: Designing Robust Wireless Schedulers. Networking 2007: 1157-1160
5EESoshant Bali, Sridhar Machiraju, Hui Zang, Victor Frost: A Measurement Study of Scheduler-Based Attacks in 3G Wireless Networks. PAM 2007: 105-114
4EESridhar Machiraju, Darryl Veitch, François Baccelli, Jean Bolot: Adding definition to active probing. Computer Communication Review 37(2): 17-28 (2007)
3EEFrançois Baccelli, Sridhar Machiraju, Darryl Veitch, Jean Bolot: The role of PASTA in network measurement. SIGCOMM 2006: 231-242
2EESridhar Machiraju, Darryl Veitch, François Baccelli, Antonio Nucci, Jean Bolot: Theory and practice of cross-traffic estimation. SIGMETRICS 2005: 400-401
1EEBhaskaran Raman, Sharad Agarwal, Yan Chen, Matthew Caesar, Weidong Cui, Per Johansson, Kevin Lai, Tal Lavian, Sridhar Machiraju, Zhuoqing Morley Mao, George Porter, Timothy Roscoe, Mukund Seshadri, Jimmy S. Shih, Keith Sklower, Lakshminarayanan Subramanian, Takashi Suzuki, Shelley Zhuang, Anthony D. Joseph, Randy H. Katz, Ion Stoica: The SAHARA Model for Service Composition across Multiple Providers. Pervasive 2002: 1-14

Coauthor Index

1Sharad Agarwal [1]
2François Baccelli [2] [3] [4] [7]
3Soshant Bali [5] [6] [11]
4Suman Banerjee [8]
5Jean-Chrysostome Bolot (Jean Bolot) [2] [3] [4] [7] [10]
6Matthew Caesar [1]
7Yan Chen [1]
8Weidong Cui [1]
9Christos Faloutsos [10]
10Victor S. Frost (Victor Frost) [5]
11Per Johansson [1]
12Anthony D. Joseph [1]
13Randy H. Katz [1]
14Kevin Lai [1]
15Tal Lavian [1]
16Jure Leskovec [10]
17Xin Liu [9]
18Zhuoqing Morley Mao [1]
19Antonio Nucci [2]
20Justin Ormont [8]
21George Porter [1]
22Bhaskaran Raman [1]
23Timothy Roscoe [1]
24Mukund Seshadri [1] [8] [9] [10]
25Jimmy S. Shih [1]
26Keith Sklower [1]
27Ashwin Sridharan [8] [9] [10]
28Ion Stoica [1]
29Lakshminarayanan Subramanian [1]
30Takashi Suzuki [1]
31Darryl Veitch [2] [3] [4] [7]
32Jordan Walker [8]
33Hui Zang [5] [6] [9] [11]
34Shelley Zhuang [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)