
Catriona Macaulay

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7EEGraeme W. Coleman, Catriona Macaulay, Alan F. Newell: Sonic mapping: towards engaging the user in the design of sound for computerized artifacts. NordiCHI 2008: 83-92
6EEGraeme W. Coleman, Catriona Macaulay, Alan F. Newell: Listen to This - Using Ethnography to Inform the Design of Auditory Interfaces. HAID 2006: 133-144
5EECatriona Macaulay, Giulio Jacucci, Shaleph O'Neill, Tomi Kankainen, Morna Simpson: The emerging roles of performance within HCI and interaction design. Interacting with Computers 18(5): 942-955 (2006)
4EEDavid Benyon, Catriona Macaulay: Scenarios and the HCI-SE design problem. Interacting with Computers 14(4): 397-405 (2002)
3EECatriona Macaulay, David Benyon, Alison Crerar: Ethnography, theory and systems design: from intuition to insight. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 53(1): 35-60 (2000)
2EEVictor Kaptelinin, Bonnie A. Nardi, Catriona Macaulay: Methods & tools: The activity checklist: a tool for representing the "space" of context. Interactions 6(4): 27-39 (1999)
1EECatriona Macaulay: The checklist in the field. Interactions 6(4): 30-31 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1David Benyon (D. R. Benyon) [3] [4]
2Graeme W. Coleman [6] [7]
3Alison Crerar [3]
4Giulio Jacucci (Giulio Iacucci) [5]
5Tomi Kankainen [5]
6Victor Kaptelinin [2]
7Bonnie A. Nardi [2]
8Alan F. Newell [6] [7]
9Shaleph O'Neill [5]
10Morna Simpson [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)