
Robert Müller

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6EESebastian Schlund, Robert Müller, Carsten Graßmann, Bernd Engels: Conformational analysis of arginine in gas phase - A strategy for scanning the potential energy surface effectively. Journal of Computational Chemistry 29(3): 407-415 (2008)
5EERobert Müller, Ulrike Greiner, Erhard Rahm: AGENTWORK: a workflow system supporting rule-based workflow adaptation. Data Knowl. Eng. 51(2): 223-256 (2004)
4EERobert Müller, Erhard Rahm: Dealing with Logical Failures for Collaborating Workflows. CoopIS 2000: 210-223
3 Robert Müller, Erhard Rahm: Rule-Based Dynamic Modification of Workflows in a Medical Domain. BTW 1999: 429-448
2EERobert Müller, Thomas Stöhr, Erhard Rahm: An Integrative and Uniform Model for Metadata Management in Data Warehousing Environments. DMDW 1999: 12
1EEThomas Kunstmann, Martin Frisch, Robert Müller: A Declarative Programming Environment Based on Constraints. VL 1995: 120-121

Coauthor Index

1Bernd Engels [6]
2Martin Frisch [1]
3Carsten Graßmann [6]
4Ulrike Greiner [5]
5Thomas Kunstmann [1]
6Erhard Rahm [2] [3] [4] [5]
7Sebastian Schlund [6]
8Thomas Stöhr [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)