
Georg Müller

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3EEAngelika Hutterer, Thomas Menzel, Andreas Otto, Georg Müller: Feature Extraction for Advanced Control of Flexible Forming Processes. VMV 2001: 43-50
2 Georg Müller: Computer Assisted Interfacing: On the Use of Computer Simulation for Theory Construction. Tools and Techniques for Social Science Simulation 1997: 26-47
1 Georg Müller: Exploring and Testing Theories: On the Role of Parameter Optimization in Social Science Computer Simulation. Social Science Microsimulation 1995: 66-77

Coauthor Index

1Angelika Hutterer [3]
2Thomas Menzel [3]
3Andreas Otto [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)