
Ralf Mühlberger

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6EEAhmad Hanif Ahmad Baharin, Romiza Md. Nor, Ralf Mühlberger: It's the thought that counts: content vs. contact. OZCHI 2008: 235-238
5EEAnn Judith Morrison, Peta Mitchell, Ralf Mühlberger: Talk2Me: the art of augmenting conversations. ACM Multimedia 2006: 197-200
4EERalf Mühlberger: Mobile devices as distributed database components for relocating applications. IJMC 2(3): 285-293 (2004)
3EERalf Mühlberger: Dynamic Database Generation for Mobile Applications. ER (Workshops) 2002: 195-204
2 Ralf Mühlberger, Maria E. Orlowska, Bartek Kiepuszewski: Backward Step: the Right Direction for Production Workflow Systems. Australasian Database Conference 1999: 25-36
1EEBartek Kiepuszewski, Ralf Mühlberger, Maria E. Orlowska: FlowBack: Providing Backward Recovery for Workflow Systems. SIGMOD Conference 1998: 555-557

Coauthor Index

1Ahmad Hanif Ahmad Baharin [6]
2Bartek Kiepuszewski [1] [2]
3Peta Mitchell [5]
4Ann Judith Morrison [5]
5Romiza Md. Nor [6]
6Maria E. Orlowska [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)