
Knut Mørken

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6EETom Lyche, Knut Mørken, Francesca Pelosi: Stable, linear spline wavelets on nonuniform knots with vanishing moments. Computer Aided Geometric Design 26(2): 203-216 (2009)
5EEKnut Mørken: On geometric interpolation of parametric surfaces. Computer Aided Geometric Design 22(9): 838-848 (2005)
4 Knut Mørken, Karl Scherer: A general framework for high-accuracy parametric interpolation. Math. Comput. 66(217): 237-260 (1997)
3EETor Dokken, Morten Daehlen, Tom Lyche, Knut Mørken: Good approximation of circles by curvature-continuous Bézier curves. Computer Aided Geometric Design 7(1-4): 33-41 (1990)
2EETom Lyche, Knut Mørken: Knot removal for parametric B-spline curves and surfaces. Computer Aided Geometric Design 4(3): 217-230 (1987)
1EETom Lyche, Elaine Cohen, Knut Mørken: Knot line refinement algorithms for tensor product B-spline surfaces. Computer Aided Geometric Design 2(1-3): 133-139 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1Elaine Cohen [1]
2Morten Daehlen [3]
3Tor Dokken [3]
4Tom Lyche [1] [2] [3] [6]
5Francesca Pelosi [6]
6Karl Scherer [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)