
Xuanjiao Lv

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2EEYunong Zhang, Zhiguo Tan, Zhi Yang, Xuanjiao Lv, Ke Chen: A simplified LVI-based primal-dual neural network for repetitive motion planning of PA10 robot manipulator starting from different initial states. IJCNN 2008: 19-24
1EEYunong Zhang, Xuanjiao Lv, Zhonghua Li, Zhi Yang: Repetitive Motion Planning of Redundant Robots Based on LVI-Based Primal-Dual Neural Network and PUMA560 Example. LSMS (2) 2007: 536-545

Coauthor Index

1Ke Chen [2]
2Zhonghua Li [1]
3Zhiguo Tan [2]
4Zhi Yang [1] [2]
5Yunong Zhang [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)