
Teng Lv

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9EETeng Lv, Ping Yan: XML Normal Forms Based on Constraint-Tree-Based Functional Dependencies. APWeb/WAIM Workshops 2007: 348-357
8EETeng Lv, Ping Yan: Schema Conversion from Relation to XML with Semantic Constraints. FSKD (4) 2007: 619-623
7EEPing Yan, Teng Lv: Functional Dependencies in XML Documents. APWeb Workshops 2006: 29-37
6EETeng Lv, Ping Yan: XML Constraint-tree-based Functional Dependencies. ICEBE 2006: 224-228
5EETeng Lv, Ping Yan: Mapping Relational Schemas to XML DTDs with Constraints. IMSCCS (2) 2006: 528-533
4EETeng Lv, Ping Yan: Mapping DTDs to relational schemas with semantic constraints. Information & Software Technology 48(4): 245-252 (2006)
3EETeng Lv, Ping Yan, Qiongxiang Huang: Relational to XML Schema Conversion with Constraints. ASIAN 2005: 278-279
2EENing Gu, Xiaoyuan Wu, Teng Lv: Semantic Cooperative Editing Based on FloDL. CIT 2004: 240-247
1EETeng Lv, Ning Gu, Ping Yan: Normal forms for XML documents. Information & Software Technology 46(12): 839-846 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Ning Gu [1] [2]
2Qiongxiang Huang [3]
3Xiaoyuan Wu [2]
4Ping Yan [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

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