
Henrik Lundqvist

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4EEM. J. Prins, Marcus Brunner, G. Karagiannis, Henrik Lundqvist, Giorgio Nunzi: Fast RTP Retransmission for IPTV - Implementation and Evaluation. GLOBECOM 2008: 2308-2313
3EEAndré Schröder, Henrik Lundqvist, Giorgio Nunzi: Distributed Self-Optimization of Handover for the Long Term Evolution. IWSOS 2008: 281-286
2EEHenrik Lundqvist, Ignacio Más Ivars, Gunnar Karlsson: Edge-Based Differentiated Services. IWQoS 2005: 259-270
1EEGunnar Karlsson, Henrik Lundqvist, Ignacio Más Ivars: Single-service quality differentiation. IWQoS 2004: 265-272

Coauthor Index

1Marcus Brunner [4]
2Ignacio Más Ivars [1] [2]
3G. Karagiannis [4]
4Gunnar Karlsson [1] [2]
5Giorgio Nunzi [3] [4]
6M. J. Prins [4]
7André Schröder [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)