
Jonas Lundberg

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20EERüdiger Lincke, Jonas Lundberg, Welf Löwe: Comparing software metrics tools. ISSTA 2008: 131-142
19EEJonas Lundberg, Tobias Gutzmann, Welf Löwe: Fast and Precise Points-to Analysis. SCAM 2008: 133-142
18EEAnna Götmar, Jonas Lundberg: Effective recommendations in loosely coupled accident investigations. ECCE 2007: 11-18
17EETobias Gutzmann, Jonas Lundberg, Welf Löwe: Towards Path-Sensitive Points-to Analysis. SCAM 2007: 59-68
16EEDennis Strein, Rüdiger Lincke, Jonas Lundberg, Welf Löwe: An Extensible Metamodel for Program Analysis (abstract only). IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 33(12): 799 (2007)
15EEDennis Strein, Rüdiger Lincke, Jonas Lundberg, Welf Löwe: An Extensible Meta-Model for Program Analysis. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 33(9): 592-607 (2007)
14EEDennis Strein, Rüdiger Lincke, Jonas Lundberg, Welf Löwe: An Extensible Meta-Model for Program Analysis. ICSM 2006: 380-390
13EEEmma Eliason, Jonas Lundberg: The appropriateness of Swedish municipality web site designs. NordiCHI 2006: 48-57
12EEDavid Dinka, Jonas Lundberg: Identity and role - A qualitative case study of cooperative scenario building. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 64(10): 1049-1060 (2006)
11EEJonas Lundberg, Anette Fransson, Mats Brommels, John Skår, Inger Lundkvist: Is it better or just the same? Article identification strategies impact bibliometric assessments. Scientometrics 66(1): 183-197 (2006)
10EEJonas Lundberg, Göran Tomson, Inger Lundkvist, John Skår, Mats Brommels: Collaborationuncovered: Exploring the adequacy of measuring university-industrycollaboration through co-authorship and funding. Scientometrics 69(3): 575-589 (2006)
9EEThomas Panas, Rüdiger Lincke, Jonas Lundberg, Welf Löwe: A Qualitative Evaluation of a Software Development and Re-Engineering Project. SEW 2005: 66-75
8EEThomas Panas, Jonas Lundberg, Welf Löwe: Reuse in Reverse Engineering. IWPC 2004: 52-61
7 Carina Ihlström, Jonas Lundberg: A Genre Perspective on OnlineNewspaper FrontPage Design. J. Web Eng. 3(1): 50-74 (2004)
6EECarina Ihlström, Jonas Lundberg: The Online News Genre through the User Perspective. HICSS 2003: 103
5EEWelf Löwe, Jonas Lundberg: A Low-Level Analysis Library for Architecture Recovery. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 82(5): (2003)
4EEJonas Lundberg, Welf Löwe: Architecture Recovery by Semi-Automatic Component Identification. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 82(5): (2003)
3EECarina Ihlström, Jonas Lundberg: Local Swedish Newspapers Approaching E-Business? ELPUB 2002
2EECarina Ihlström, Jonas Lundberg: The Audience of Swedish Local Online Newspapers - A Longitudinal Study. ELPUB 2002
1EEJonas Lundberg, Aseel Ibrahim, David Jönsson, Sinna Lindquist, Pernilla Qvarfordt: "The snatcher catcher": an interactive refrigerator. NordiCHI 2002: 209-212

Coauthor Index

1Mats Brommels [10] [11]
2David Dinka [12]
3Emma Eliason [13]
4Carina Ihlström Eriksson (Carina Ihlström) [2] [3] [6] [7]
5Anette Fransson [11]
6Anna Götmar [18]
7Tobias Gutzmann [17] [19]
8Aseel Ibrahim [1]
9David Jönsson [1]
10Rüdiger Lincke [9] [14] [15] [16] [20]
11Sinna Lindquist [1]
12Welf Löwe [4] [5] [8] [9] [14] [15] [16] [17] [19] [20]
13Inger Lundkvist [10] [11]
14Thomas Panas [8] [9]
15Pernilla Qvarfordt [1]
16John Skår [10] [11]
17Dennis Strein [14] [15] [16]
18Göran Tomson [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)