
Jason Lukasiak

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5EEDaniel Smith, Jason Lukasiak, Ian S. Burnett: An analysis of the limitations of blind signal separation application with speech. Signal Processing 86(2): 353-359 (2006)
4EEBarry Harper, Shirley Agostinho, Sue Bennett, Jason Lukasiak, Lori Lockyer: Constructing High Quality Learning Environments Using Learning Designs and Learning Objects. ICALT 2005: 266-270
3EEEva Cheng, Jason Lukasiak, Ian S. Burnett, David Stirling: Using spatial cues for meeting speech segmentation. ICME 2005: 350-353
2EEJason Lukasiak, Chris McElroy, Eva Cheng: Compression transparent low-level description of audio signals. ICME 2005: 422-415
1EEDaniel Smith, Jason Lukasiak, Ian S. Burnett: Two Channel, Block Adaptive Audio Separation Using the Cross Correlation of Time Frequency Information. ICA 2004: 889-897

Coauthor Index

1Shirley Agostinho [4]
2Sue Bennett [4]
3Ian S. Burnett [1] [3] [5]
4Eva Cheng [2] [3]
5Barry Harper [4]
6Lori Lockyer [4]
7Chris McElroy [2]
8Daniel Smith [1] [5]
9David Stirling [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)