
Hanping Lufei

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8EEHanping Lufei, Weisong Shi, Vipin Chaudhary: Adaptive Secure Access to Remote Services. IEEE SCC (1) 2008: 173-181
7EEHanping Lufei, Weisong Shi: Energy-aware QoS for application sessions across multiple protocol domains in mobile computing. Computer Networks 51(11): 3125-3141 (2007)
6EEHanping Lufei, Weisong Shi: Fractal: A mobile code-based framework for dynamic application protocol adaptation. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 66(7): 887-906 (2006)
5EEHanping Lufei, Weisong Shi: Fractal: A Mobile Code Based Framework for Dynamic Application Protocol Adaptation in Pervasive Computing. IPDPS 2005
4EEWeisong Shi, Sharun Santhosh, Hanping Lufei: Secure Application-Aware Service Differentiation in Public Area Wireless Networks. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 20(5): 676-688 (2005)
3EEHanping Lufei, Weisong Shi, Lucia Zamorano: On the Effects of Bandwidth Reduction Techniques in Distributed Applications. EUC 2004: 796-806
2EEWeisong Shi, Sharun Santhosh, Hanping Lufei: Cegor: An Adaptive Distributed File System for Heterogeneous Network Environments. ICPADS 2004: 145-152
1EEHanping Lufei, Sivakumar Sellamuthu, Sharun Santhosh, Weisong Shi: Application-Aware Service Differentiation in PAWNs. ICPP 2004: 415-422

Coauthor Index

1Vipin Chaudhary [8]
2Sharun Santhosh [1] [2] [4]
3Sivakumar Sellamuthu [1]
4Weisong Shi [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
5Lucia Zamorano [3]

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