
Doron S. Lubinsky

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12EEEli Levin, Doron S. Lubinsky: Applications of universality limits to zeros and reproducing kernels of orthogonal polynomials. Journal of Approximation Theory 150(1): 69-95 (2008)
11EEEli Levin, Doron S. Lubinsky: On recurrence coefficients for rapidly decreasing exponential weights. Journal of Approximation Theory 144(2): 260-281 (2007)
10EEDoron S. Lubinsky: Asymptotics of derivatives of orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle. Journal of Approximation Theory 145(1): 122-127 (2007)
9EEEli Levin, Doron S. Lubinsky: Orthogonal polynomials for weights close to indeterminacy. Journal of Approximation Theory 147(2): 129-168 (2007)
8EEEli Levin, Doron S. Lubinsky: Orthogonal polynomials for exponential weights x2rhoe-2Q(x) on [0, d), II. Journal of Approximation Theory 139(1-2): 107-143 (2006)
7EEEli Levin, Doron S. Lubinsky: Orthogonal polynomials for exponential weights x2rhoe-2Q(x) on [0, d). Journal of Approximation Theory 134(2): 199-256 (2005)
6EED. G. Kubayi, Doron S. Lubinsky: A Hilbert transform representation of the error in Lagrange interpolation. Journal of Approximation Theory 129(1): 94-100 (2004)
5EEDoron S. Lubinsky: Best approximation and interpolation of (1+(ax)2)-1 and its transforms. Journal of Approximation Theory 125(1): 106-115 (2003)
4EEKiddnan Kobindarajah, Doron S. Lubinsky: Lp Markov-Bernstein Inequalities on All Arcs of the Circle. Journal of Approximation Theory 116(2): 343-368 (2002)
3EEDoron S. Lubinsky: On Weighted Mean Convergence of Lagrange Interpolation for General Arrays. Journal of Approximation Theory 118(2): 153-162 (2002)
2EEDoron S. Lubinsky: Lp Markov-Bernstein Inequalities on Arcs of the Circle. Journal of Approximation Theory 108(1): 1-17 (2001)
1EEA. L. Levin, Doron S. Lubinsky: Green Equilibrium Measures and Representations of an External Field. Journal of Approximation Theory 113(2): 298-323 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Kiddnan Kobindarajah [4]
2D. G. Kubayi [6]
3A. L. Levin [1]
4Eli Levin [7] [8] [9] [11] [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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