
Wenlian Lu

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13EEWenlian Lu, Tianping Chen: Almost Periodic Dynamics of a Class of Delayed Neural Networks with Discontinuous Activations. Neural Computation 20(4): 1065-1090 (2008)
12EEWenlian Lu, Tianping Chen: Positive Solutions of General Delayed Competitive or Cooperative Lotka-Volterra Systems. ISNN (1) 2007: 1034-1044
11EEWenlian Lu, Tianping Chen: Rn+-global stability of a Cohen-Grossberg neural network system with nonnegative equilibria. Neural Networks 20(6): 714-722 (2007)
10EEWenlian Lu, Tianping Chen: Dynamical Behaviors of a Large Class of Delayed Differential Systems with Discontinuous Right-Hand Side. ICONIP (1) 2006: 379-386
9EETianping Chen, Wenlian Lu: Global Asymptotical Stability of Cohen-Grossberg Neural Networks with Time-Varying and Distributed Delays. ISNN (1) 2006: 192-197
8EEWenlian Lu, Tianping Chen: Dynamical Behaviors of Delayed Neural Network Systems with Discontinuous Activation Functions. Neural Computation 18(3): 683-708 (2006)
7EEWenlian Lu, Tianping Chen: Robust Stability of Interval Delayed Neural Networks. ISNN (1) 2005: 215-221
6EETianping Chen, Wenlian Lu, Guanrong Chen: Dynamical Behaviors of a Large Class of General Delayed Neural Networks. Neural Computation 17(4): 949-968 (2005)
5EEWenlian Lu, Tianping Chen: Dynamical behaviors of Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with discontinuous activation functions. Neural Networks 18(3): 231-242 (2005)
4EEWenlian Lu, Tianping Chen: Delay-Dependent Criteria for Global Stability of Delayed Neural Network System. ISNN (1) 2004: 38-43
3EEWenlian Lu, Libin Rong, Tianping Chen: Global Convergence of Delayed Neural Network Systems. Int. J. Neural Syst. 13(3): 193-204 (2003)
2EEWenlian Lu, Tianping Chen: New Conditions on Global Stability of Cohen-Grossberg Neural Networks. Neural Computation 15(5): 1173-1189 (2003)
1EETianping Chen, Wenlian Lu, Shun-ichi Amari: Global Convergence Rate of Recurrently Connected Neural Networks. Neural Computation 14(12): 2947-2957 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Shun-ichi Amari [1]
2Guanrong Chen [6]
3Tianping Chen [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
4Libin Rong [3]

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