
Chi Keen Low

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7 Chi Keen Low, Tsong Yueh Chen, Ralph Rönnquist: Automated Test Case Generation for BDI Agents. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 2(4): 311-332 (1999)
6EEChi Keen Low, Ralph Rönnquist, Tsong Yueh Chen: An Automated Tool (IDAF) to Manipulate Interaction Diagrams and Fragmentations for Multi-Agent Systems. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 9(1): 127- (1999)
5EEChi Keen Low, Tsong Yueh Chen: CDFA: A Testing System for C++. TOOLS (28) 1998: 216-228
4 Ralph Rönnquist, Chi Keen Low: Analysing Expert Assistants through Interaction Diagrams. Agents 1997: 500-501
3 Tsong Yueh Chen, Chi Keen Low: Error Detection in C++ through Dynamic Data Flow Analysis. Software - Concepts and Tools 18(1): 1-13 (1997)
2EERalph Rönnquist, Chi Keen Low: Formalisation of Interaction Diagrams. APSEC 1996: 318-
1EETsong Yueh Chen, Chi Keen Low: Dynamic Data Flow Analysis for C++. APSEC 1995: 22-28

Coauthor Index

1Tsong Yueh Chen [1] [3] [5] [6] [7]
2Ralph Rönnquist [2] [4] [6] [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)