
Quentin Louveaux

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8EEMatthias Köppe, Quentin Louveaux, Robert Weismantel: Intermediate integer programming representations using value disjunctions. Discrete Optimization 5(2): 293-313 (2008)
7EEQuentin Louveaux, Robert Weismantel: Polyhedral properties for the intersection of two knapsacks. Math. Program. 113(1): 15-37 (2008)
6EEKent Andersen, Quentin Louveaux, Robert Weismantel: Certificates of linear mixed integer infeasibility. Oper. Res. Lett. 36(6): 734-738 (2008)
5EEKent Andersen, Quentin Louveaux, Robert Weismantel, Laurence A. Wolsey: Inequalities from Two Rows of a Simplex Tableau. IPCO 2007: 1-15
4EEQuentin Louveaux, Laurence A. Wolsey: Lifting, superadditivity, mixed integer rounding and single node flow sets revisited. Annals OR 153(1): 47-77 (2007)
3EEMatthias Köppe, Quentin Louveaux, Robert Weismantel, Laurence A. Wolsey: Extended formulations for Gomory Corner polyhedra. Discrete Optimization 1(2): 141-165 (2004)
2EEQuentin Louveaux, Laurence A. Wolsey: Lifting, superadditivity, mixed integer rounding and single node flow sets revisited. 4OR 1(3): 173-207 (2003)
1EEQuentin Louveaux, Laurence A. Wolsey: Combining Problem Structure with Basis Reduction to Solve a Class of Hard Integer Programs. Math. Oper. Res. 27(3): 470-484 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Kent Andersen [5] [6]
2Matthias Köppe [3] [8]
3Robert Weismantel [3] [5] [6] [7] [8]
4Laurence A. Wolsey [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

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