
Vincent Louis

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5 Fano Ramparany, Jean-Michel Ortholand, Vincent Louis: Mediating Social Networking Using Software Agents - The CarPooling Use Case. IC-AI 2008: 456-462
4EERobert Demolombe, Vincent Louis: Speech Acts with Institutional Effects in Agent Societies. DEON 2006: 101-114
3 Robert Demolombe, Philippe Bretier, Vincent Louis: Norms with Deadlines in Dynamic Deontic Logic. ECAI 2006: 751-752
2EERobert Demolombe, Vincent Louis: Norms, Institutional Power and Roles: Towards a Logical Framework. ISMIS 2006: 514-523
1EEPhilippe Bretier, Vincent Louis, Thierry Martinez: Artimis : assistant de voyage et médiateur intelligent dans un système multi-agent. Technique et Science Informatiques 22(4): 269-282 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Philippe Bretier [1] [3]
2Robert Demolombe [2] [3] [4]
3Thierry Martinez [1]
4Jean-Michel Ortholand [5]
5Fano Ramparany [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)