
Matthias Lott

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7EEMatthias Lott: Adaptive Random Access with Beam-forming in 4G Mobile Networks. VTC Spring 2006: 435-439
6EEMatthias Lott, Martin Weckerle, Matthias Siebert: Performance analysis of resource allocation in wireless multihop networks. Computer Communications 29(8): 983-993 (2006)
5EEHannes Hartenstein, Bernd Bochow, André Ebner, Matthias Lott, Markus Radimirsch, Dieter Vollmer: Position-aware ad hoc wireless networks for inter-vehicle communications: the Fleetnet project. MobiHoc 2001: 259-262
4EEMatthias Lott, Rüdiger Halfmann, Egon Schultz, Markus Radimirsch: Medium access and radio resource management for ad hoc networks based on UTRA TDD. MobiHoc 2001: 76-86
3 Matthias Lott, Bernhard Walke: Performance analysis of a wireless ad hoc network with QoS support. Telecommunication Systems 16(1-2): 115-134 (2001)
2EEMatthias Lott, Bernhard Walke: Performance of a Wireless Ad Hoc Network Supporting ATM. WOWMOM 1999: 18-25
1 Martin Steppler, Matthias Lott: SPEET SDL performance evaluation tool. SDL Forum 1997: 53-68

Coauthor Index

1Bernd Bochow [5]
2André Ebner [5]
3Rüdiger Halfmann [4]
4Hannes Hartenstein [5]
5Markus Radimirsch [4] [5]
6Egon Schultz [4]
7Matthias Siebert [6]
8Martin Steppler [1]
9Dieter Vollmer [5]
10Bernhard Walke [2] [3]
11Martin Weckerle [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)