
Carlos Loría-Sáenz

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7EECarlos Loría-Sáenz: On Requirements for Programming Exercises from an E-learning Perspective CoRR abs/0903.0786: (2009)
6EEToshiyuki Yamada, Jürgen Avenhaus, Carlos Loría-Sáenz, Aart Middeldorp: Logicality of conditional rewrite systems. Theor. Comput. Sci. 236(1-2): 209-232 (2000)
5 Toshiyuki Yamada, Jürgen Avenhaus, Carlos Loría-Sáenz, Aart Middeldorp: Logicality of Conditional Rewrite Systems. TAPSOFT 1997: 141-152
4 Jürgen Avenhaus, Carlos Loría-Sáenz: Higher Order Conditional Rewriting and Narrowing. CCL 1994: 269-284
3 Jürgen Avenhaus, Carlos Loría-Sáenz: On Conditional Rewrite Systems with Extra Variables and Deterministic Logic Programs. LPAR 1994: 215-229
2 Carlos Loría-Sáenz, Joachim Steinbach: Termination of Combined (Rewrite and lambda-Calculus) Systems. CTRS 1992: 143-147
1 Carlos Loría-Sáenz: Synthesis of Narrowing Programs. LOPSTR 1992: 30-45

Coauthor Index

1Jürgen Avenhaus [3] [4] [5] [6]
2Aart Middeldorp [5] [6]
3Joachim Steinbach [2]
4Toshiyuki Yamada [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)