
Raghavendra Rao Loka

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5EERaghavendra Rao Loka: Software Development: What Is the Problem? IEEE Computer 40(2): 110-112 (2007)
4EERaghavendra Rao Loka: Compilation reuse and hybrid compilation: an experiment. SIGPLAN Notices 41(4): 42-49 (2006)
3EERaghavendra Rao Loka: Hybrid compilation: a case study. SIGPLAN Notices 40(12): 24-27 (2005)
2EEAnna Hác, Raghavendra Rao Loka: A distributed load-building algorithm for parallel compilation of files in a software application. Journal of Systems and Software 26(2): 167-177 (1994)
1EEAnna Hac, Raghavendra Rao Loka: A Distributed Load Building Algorithm for Parallel Compilation of Files in a Software Application. SEKE 1992: 269-275

Coauthor Index

1Anna Hác (Anna Hac) [1] [2]

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