
Stephen C. Locke

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15EERobert E. L. Aldred, Richard P. Anstee, Stephen C. Locke: Perfect matchings after vertex deletions. Discrete Mathematics 307(23): 3048-3054 (2007)
14EEMarien Abreu, Domenico Labbate, Stephen C. Locke: 6-path-connectivity and 6-generation. Discrete Mathematics 301(1): 20-27 (2005)
13EEMark V. Barovich, Stephen C. Locke: The cycle space of a 3-connected hamiltonian graph. Discrete Mathematics 220(1-3): 13-33 (2000)
12 Stephen C. Locke: Further Notes on: Largest Triangle-free Subgraphs in Powers of Cycles. Ars Comb. 49: (1998)
11EEStephen C. Locke, Feng Lou: Finding Independent Sets inK4-Free 4-Regular Connected Graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 71(1): 85-110 (1997)
10EEKathryn Fraughnaugh, Stephen C. Locke: Finding Independent Sets in Triangle-free Graphs. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 9(4): 674-681 (1996)
9EEKathryn Fraughnaugh, Stephen C. Locke: 11/30 (Finding Large Independent Sets in Connected Triangle-Free 3-Regular Graphs). J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 65(1): 51-72 (1995)
8EEYoshimi Egawa, R. Glas, Stephen C. Locke: Cycles and paths through specified vertices in k-connected graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 52(1): 20-29 (1991)
7EEBrian Alspach, Stephen C. Locke, Dave Witte: The hamilton spaces of cayley graphs on abelian groups. Discrete Mathematics 82(2): 113-126 (1990)
6EEMichael O. Albertson, Robert E. Jamison, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, Stephen C. Locke: The subchromatic number of a graph. Discrete Mathematics 74(1-2): 33-49 (1989)
5EEStephen C. Locke, Dave Witte: Flows in circulant graphs of odd order are sums of Hamilton cycles. Discrete Mathematics 78(1-2): 105-114 (1989)
4EEStephen C. Locke: Extremal 3-connected graphs. Discrete Mathematics 68(2-3): 257-263 (1988)
3 Stephen C. Locke: A generalization of Dirac's theorem. Combinatorica 5(2): 149-159 (1985)
2EEStephen C. Locke: Relative lengths of paths and cycles in k-connected graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 32(2): 206-222 (1982)
1EEJ. A. Bondy, Stephen C. Locke: Relative lengths of paths and cycles in 3-connected graphs. Discrete Mathematics 33(2): 111-122 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Marien Abreu [14]
2Michael O. Albertson [6]
3Robert E. L. Aldred [15]
4Brian Alspach [7]
5Richard P. Anstee [15]
6Mark V. Barovich [13]
7J. A. Bondy [1]
8Yoshimi Egawa [8]
9Kathryn Fraughnaugh [9] [10]
10R. Glas [8]
11Stephen T. Hedetniemi [6]
12Robert E. Jamison [6]
13Domenico Labbate [14]
14Feng Lou [11]
15Dave Witte [5] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)