
Raymond Lo

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11EESteve Mann, Ryan Janzen, Raymond Lo: Hyperacoustic instruments: Computer-controlled instruments that are not electrophones. ICME 2008: 89-92
10EESteve Mann, Ryan E. Janzen, Raymond Lo, James Fung: Non-electrophonic cyborg instruments: playing on everyday things as if the whole world were one giant musical instrument. ACM Multimedia 2007: 932-941
9EESteve Mann, James Fung, Raymond Lo: Cyborglogging with camera phones: steps toward equiveillance. ACM Multimedia 2006: 177-180
8EEGeoffrey L. Winsor, Raymond Lo, Shannan J. Ho Sui, Korine S. E. Ung, Shao-Shan Huang, Dean Cheng, Wai-Kay Ho Ching, Robert E. W. Hancock, Fiona S. L. Brinkman: Pseudomonas aeruginosa Genome Database and PseudoCAP: facilitating community-based, continually updated, genome annotation. Nucleic Acids Research 33(Database-Issue): 338-343 (2005)
7EERobert Kennedy, Sun Chan, Shin-Ming Liu, Raymond Lo, Peng Tu, Fred C. Chow: Partial redundancy elimination in SSA form. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 21(3): 627-676 (1999)
6 Robert Kennedy, Fred C. Chow, Peter Dahl, Shin-Ming Liu, Raymond Lo, Mark Streich: Strength Reduction via SSAPRE. CC 1998: 144-158
5 Fred C. Chow, Robert Kennedy, Shin-Ming Liu, Raymond Lo, Peng Tu: Register Promotion by Partial Redundancy Elimination of Loads and Stores. PLDI 1998: 26-37
4 Fred C. Chow, Sun Chan, Robert Kennedy, Shin-Ming Liu, Raymond Lo, Peng Tu: A New Algorithm for Partial Redundancy Elimination based on SSA Form. PLDI 1997: 273-286
3 Fred C. Chow, Sun Chan, Shin-Ming Liu, Raymond Lo, Mark Streich: Effective Representation of Aliases and Indirect Memory Operations in SSA Form. CC 1996: 253-267
2 Raymond Lo, Sun Chan, James C. Dehnert, Ross A. Towle: Aggregate Operation Movement: A Min-Cut Approach to Global Code Motion. Euro-Par, Vol. II 1996: 801-814
1EERaymond Lo, Sun Chan, Fred C. Chow, Shin-Ming Liu: Improving resource utilization of the MIPS R8000 via post-scheduling global instruction distribution. MICRO 1994: 148-152

Coauthor Index

1Fiona S. L. Brinkman [8]
2Sun Chan [1] [2] [3] [4] [7]
3Dean Cheng [8]
4Wai-Kay Ho Ching [8]
5Fred C. Chow [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
6Peter Dahl [6]
7James C. Dehnert [2]
8James Fung [9] [10]
9Robert E. W. Hancock [8]
10Shao-Shan Huang [8]
11Ryan Janzen [11]
12Ryan E. Janzen [10]
13Robert Kennedy [4] [5] [6] [7]
14Shin-Ming Liu [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
15Steve Mann [9] [10] [11]
16Mark Streich [3] [6]
17Shannan J. Ho Sui [8]
18Ross A. Towle [2]
19Peng Tu [4] [5] [7]
20Korine S. E. Ung [8]
21Geoffrey L. Winsor [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)