
Martin W. Lo

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2EEMichael Dellnitz, Oliver Junge, Wang Sang Koon, Francois Lekien, Martin W. Lo, Jerrold E. Marsden, Kathrin Padberg, Robert Preis, Shane D. Ross, Bianca Thiere: Transport in Dynamical Astronomy and Multibody Problems. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 15(3): 699-727 (2005)
1EEKen Museth, Alan H. Barr, Martin W. Lo: Semi-Immersive Space Mission Design and Visualization: Case Study of the Terrestrial Planet Finder Mission. IEEE Visualization 2001

Coauthor Index

1Alan H. Barr [1]
2Michael Dellnitz [2]
3Oliver Junge [2]
4Wang Sang Koon [2]
5Francois Lekien [2]
6Jerrold E. Marsden [2]
7Ken Museth [1]
8Kathrin Padberg [2]
9Robert Preis [2]
10Shane D. Ross [2]
11Bianca Thiere [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)