
Bruce W. N. Lo

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8EEXiangzhu Gao, San Murugesan, Bruce W. N. Lo: A simple method to extract key terms. IJEB 4(3/4): 221-238 (2006)
7EEXiangzhu Gao, San Murugesan, Bruce W. N. Lo: Extraction of Keyterms by Simple Text Mining for Business Information Retrieval. ICEBE 2005: 332-339
6EEXiangzhu Gao, San Murugesan, Bruce W. N. Lo: Multi-Dimensional Evaluation of Information Retrieval Results. Web Intelligence 2004: 192-198
5EEXiangzhu Gao, San Murugesan, Bruce W. N. Lo: A Dynamic Information Retrieval System for the Web. COMPSAC 2003: 663-667
4 Huilin Ye, Bruce W. N. Lo: Towards a self-structuring software library. IEE Proceedings - Software 148(2): 45-55 (2001)
3 Huilin Ye, Bruce W. N. Lo: Feature Competitive Algorithm for Dimension Reduction of the Self-Organizing Map Input Space. Appl. Intell. 13(3): 215-230 (2000)
2EEHuilin Ye, Bruce W. N. Lo: A Visualised Software Library: Nested Self-Organising Maps for Retrieving and Browsing Reusable Software Assets. Neural Computing and Applications 9(4): 266-279 (2000)
1 Huilin Ye, Bruce W. N. Lo: A Self-Classification Scheme for Software Reuse. Applied Informatics 1999: 358-361

Coauthor Index

1Xiangzhu Gao [5] [6] [7] [8]
2San Murugesan [5] [6] [7] [8]
3Huilin Ye [1] [2] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)