
Bonifacio Llamazares

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4EEBonifacio Llamazares, José Luis García-Lapresta: Extension of Some Voting Systems to the Field of GradualPreferences. Fuzzy Sets and Their Extensions: Representation, Aggregation and Models 2008: 297-315
3EEBonifacio Llamazares: Choosing OWA operator weights in the field of Social Choice. Inf. Sci. 177(21): 4745-4756 (2007)
2EEBonifacio Llamazares: Simple and absolute special majorities generated by OWA operators. European Journal of Operational Research 158(3): 707-720 (2004)
1EEBonifacio Llamazares: Characterization of fuzzy preference structures through Lukasiewicz triplets. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 136(2): 217-235 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1José Luis García-Lapresta [4]

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