
Xinsong Liu

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3EEAi Wu, Lianhai Yuan, Xinsong Liu, Kejian Liu: A P2P Architecture for Large-scale VoD Service. SNPD (3) 2007: 841-846
2EEDan Liu, Xinsong Liu, Zhijie Qiu, Gongjun Yan: A High Efficiency Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithm. APPT 2003: 75-84
1EEYu Wang, Xinsong Liu: Agent Based Dynamic Recovery Protocol in Distributed Databases. ISPDC 2003: 274-280

Coauthor Index

1Dan Liu [2]
2Kejian Liu [3]
3Zhijie Qiu [2]
4Yu Wang [1]
5Ai Wu [3]
6Gongjun Yan [2]
7Lianhai Yuan [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)