
Jung-Chun Liu

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9EEChu-Hsing Lin, Chih-Hsiong Shih, Jung-Chun Liu, Mao-Hua Cheng, Yan-Wei Lee: Energy efficiency measurement for multimedia audio decoding on embedded systems. ICUIMC 2008: 404-408
8EEChu-Hsing Lin, Jung-Chun Liu, Chih-Hsiong Shih, Yan-Wei Lee: A Robust Watermark Scheme for Copyright Protection. MUE 2008: 132-137
7EEChu-Hsing Lin, Jung-Chun Liu, Hsun-Chi Huang, Tsung-Che Yang: Using Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation Approach to Defend DDoS Attacks. MUE 2008: 176-181
6EEChu-Hsing Lin, Jui-Ling Yu, Jung-Chun Liu, Chia-Jen Lee: Genetic Algorithm for Shortest Driving Time in Intelligent Transportation Systems. MUE 2008: 402-406
5EEChu-Hsing Lin, Jung-Chun Liu, Pei-Chen Han: On the Security of the Full-Band Image Watermark for Copyright Protection. SUTC 2008: 74-80
4EEJung-Chun Liu, Hann-Jang Ho, Sing-Ling Lee: Optimization of logical rings for multi-hop transmissions in WDM optical star networks. Computer Communications 31(10): 2030-2038 (2008)
3EEJung-Chun Liu, Chu-Hsing Lin, Li-Ching Kuo, Jen-Chieh Chang: Robust Multi-scale Full-Band Image Watermarking for Copyright Protection. IEA/AIE 2007: 176-184
2EEChu-Hsing Lin, Jung-Chun Liu, Chun-Wei Liao: Energy Analysis of Multimedia Video Decoding on Mobile Handheld Devices. MUE 2007: 120-125
1EESing-Ling Lee, Jung-Chun Liu, YuChing Chen: An Ear-Decomposition Based Approach for Survivable Routing in WDM Networks. AINA 2005: 459-464

Coauthor Index

1Jen-Chieh Chang [3]
2YuChing Chen [1]
3Mao-Hua Cheng [9]
4Pei-Chen Han [5]
5Hann-Jang Ho [4]
6Hsun-Chi Huang [7]
7Li-Ching Kuo [3]
8Chia-Jen Lee [6]
9Sing-Ling Lee [1] [4]
10Yan-Wei Lee [8] [9]
11Chun-Wei Liao [2]
12Chu-Hsing Lin [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
13Chih-Hsiong Shih [8] [9]
14Tsung-Che Yang [7]
15Jui-Ling Yu [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)