
Jianming Liu

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8EEShaomin Zhu, Jianming Liu: A Novel Adaptive Watermarking Scheme Based on Human Visual System and Particle Swarm Optimization. ISPEC 2009: 136-146
7EEJianming Liu, T. T. Lee: Blocking and Delay Analysis of Optical Buffer with General Packet Length Distribution. INFOCOM 2007: 2496-2500
6EEJianming Liu, Dongming Lu: Knowledge Based Lacunas Detection and Segmentation for Ancient Paintings. VSMM 2007: 121-131
5EEXifan Shi, Dongming Lu, Jianming Liu, Yunhe Pan: An Integrated Color Changing Simulation System Based on Colorimetric and Chemical Modeling. Edutainment 2006: 1037-1046
4EEJianming Liu, Dongming Lu, Xifan Shi: Interactive Sketch Generation for Dunhuang Frescoes. Edutainment 2006: 943-946
3EEJianming Liu, Xiqun Lu, Dongming Lu: A computer-aided style stroke extraction system for "Dun Huang" frescoes. MMM 2006
2EEJianming Liu, Dongming Lu, Xiqun Lu, Xifan Shi: Style Strokes Extraction Based on Color and Shape Information. PCM 2006: 798-807
1EEXifan Shi, Dongming Lu, Jianming Liu: Color Changing and Fading Simulation for Frescoes Based on Empirical Knowledge from Artists. PCM 2006: 861-869

Coauthor Index

1T. T. Lee [7]
2Dongming Lu [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
3Xiqun Lu [2] [3]
4Yunhe Pan [5]
5Xifan Shi [1] [2] [4] [5]
6Shaomin Zhu [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)