
Bolian Liu

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24 Tan Xuezhong, Bolian Liu: The bounds of spectral radius of graphs with a given size of independent set. Ars Comb. 88: (2008)
23 Bolian Liu, Xiankun Zhang: Wide Diameters and Diameter of Networks. Ars Comb. 89: (2008)
22EEShexi Chen, Bolian Liu: Matrices with maximum kth local exponent in the class of doubly symmetric primitive matrices. Discrete Mathematics 308(15): 3386-3392 (2008)
21EEQian Li, Bolian Liu: Bounds on the kth multi-g base index of nearly reducible sign pattern matrices. Discrete Mathematics 308(21): 4846-4860 (2008)
20EEBolian Liu: On an upper bound of the spectral radius of graphs. Discrete Mathematics 308(23): 5317-5324 (2008)
19EEHong-Jian Lai, Bolian Liu, Yan Liu, Yehong Shao: Spanning cycles in regular matroids without M*(K5) minors. Eur. J. Comb. 29(1): 298-310 (2008)
18EEBolian Liu: The period and base of a reducible sign pattern matrix. Discrete Mathematics 307(23): 3031-3039 (2007)
17EEBolian Liu, Jian Shen, Xinmao Wang: On the largest eigenvalue of non-regular graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 97(6): 1010-1018 (2007)
16EEShexi Chen, Bolian Liu: The kth local exponent of doubly symmetric primitive matrices. Appl. Math. Lett. 19(4): 392-397 (2006)
15 Zhilong Shan, Bolian Liu: The Counting Series for Unlabeled Linear Acyclic Hypergraphs. Ars Comb. 78: (2006)
14 Zhou Bo, Bolian Liu: Note on Indices of Convergence of Digraphs. Ars Comb. 79: (2006)
13 Wenguo Wei, Ling Zhang, Shoubin Dong, Bolian Liu: On Two Problems of w-Wide Distance and (w-1)-Fault Distance, w-Wide Diameter ad (w-1)-Fault Diameter. MSV/AMCS 2004: 358-361
12 Junbin Wei, Bolian Liu: The Index of Tricyclic Hamiltonian Graphs with D(G)=3. Ars Comb. 73: (2004)
11EEXinmin Hou, Bolian Liu, Tianming Wang: An Algorithm to Construct k-Regular k-Connected Graphs with the Maximum k-Diameter. Graphs and Combinatorics 19(1): 111-119 (2003)
10EEYan Wang, Bolian Liu: The sum number and integral sum number of complete bipartite graphs. Discrete Mathematics 239(1-3): 69-82 (2001)
9EEWang Yan, Bolian Liu: Some results on integral sum graphs. Discrete Mathematics 240(1-3): 219-229 (2001)
8 Bolian Liu, Wang Yan: The kth Lower Multiexponent of Tournament Matrices. Ars Comb. 56: (2000)
7 Bolian Liu, Zhou Bo, Qiaoliang Li, Jian Shen: Generalized Index of Boolean Matrices. Ars Comb. 57: (2000)
6EEZhou Bo, Bolian Liu: New Results on the Common Consequent Index of a Binary Relation. Eur. J. Comb. 21(2): 167-179 (2000)
5 Bolian Liu: Generalized Exponents of Primitive, Nearly Reducible Matrices. Ars Comb. 51: (1999)
4 Bolian Liu, Zhou Bo: A Generalization of Maximal k-Multiple-Free Sets of Integers. Ars Comb. 52: (1999)
3EEZhou Bo, Bolian Liu: Matrices with Maximum Exponents in the Class of Doubly Stochastic Primitive Matrices. Discrete Applied Mathematics 91(1-3): 53-66 (1999)
2EECheng Bo, Bolian Liu: Some inequalities about connected domination number. Discrete Mathematics 159(1-3): 241-245 (1996)
1EERichard A. Brualdi, Bolian Liu: The polytope of even doubly stochastic matrices. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 57(2): 243-253 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Cheng Bo [2]
2Zhou Bo [3] [4] [6] [7] [14]
3Richard A. Brualdi [1]
4Shexi Chen [16] [22]
5Shoubin Dong [13]
6Xinmin Hou [11]
7Hong-Jian Lai [19]
8Qian Li [21]
9Qiaoliang Li [7]
10Yan Liu (Yan (Jenny) Liu) [19]
11Zhilong Shan [15]
12Yehong Shao [19]
13Jian Shen [7] [17]
14Tianming Wang [11]
15Xinmao Wang [17]
16Yan Wang [10]
17Junbin Wei [12]
18Wenguo Wei [13]
19Tan Xuezhong [24]
20Wang Yan [8] [9]
21Ling Zhang [13]
22Xiankun Zhang [23]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)