
Reed Little

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5EEReed Little, Randy Blohm: A Plea for Help with Variability, in Two Acts. VaMoS 2007: 167-169
4EEKatherine L. Morse, Michael R. Lightner, Reed Little, Bob Lutz, Roy Scrudder: Enabling Simulation Interoperability. IEEE Computer 39(1): 115-117 (2006)
3EEPaul C. Clements, David Garlan, Reed Little, Robert L. Nord, Judith A. Stafford: Documenting Software Architectures: Views and Beyond. ICSE 2003: 740-741
2 Leonard J. Bass, Rick Kazman, Reed Little: Toward a Software Engineering Model of Human-Computer Interaction. Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction 1992: 131-154
1 Larry E. Druffel, Reed Little: Software Engineering for AI Based Software Product. Data Knowl. Eng. 5: 93-103 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Leonard J. Bass (Len Bass) [2]
2Randy Blohm [5]
3Paul C. Clements [3]
4Larry E. Druffel [1]
5David Garlan [3]
6Rick Kazman [2]
7Michael R. Lightner [4]
8Bob Lutz [4]
9Katherine L. Morse [4]
10Robert L. Nord [3]
11Roy Scrudder [4]
12Judith A. Stafford [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)