
David S. Lindsay

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10 David S. Lindsay: Performance Architecture Comparison of Vector Processors on Large Scientific and Commercial Machines. Int. CMG Conference 1987: 310-329
9 David S. Lindsay: A Technique for Evaluating the Performance of Vector Processors. Int. CMG Conference 1987: 330-335
8 David S. Lindsay: CPU Performance Comparisons among Vendors. Int. CMG Conference 1986: 179-187
7 David S. Lindsay: Methodology for Determining the Effects of Optimizing Compilers. Int. CMG Conference 1986: 366-373
6 David S. Lindsay: Comparison of the Optimization Produced by the IBM VS-Fortran Compiler and the DEC VAX/VMS Fortran Compiler. Int. CMG Conference 1986: 374-378
5 David S. Lindsay, Thomas E. Bell: Directed Benchmarks for CPU Architecture Evaluation. Int. CMG Conference 1986: 379-385
4 David S. Lindsay: RMF I/O Time Validation. Int. CMG Conference 1980: 112-119
3 Tom W. Keller, David S. Lindsay: Development of a Performance Evaluation Methodology for the CRAY-1. Int. CMG Conference 1977: 169-176
2 David S. Lindsay: Second International Computer Measurement Group Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA, November 16-18, 1976, Proceedings Computer Measurement Group 1976
1EEDavid S. Lindsay: A hardware monitor study of a CDC KRONOS system. SIGMETRICS 1976: 136-144

Coauthor Index

1Thomas E. Bell [5]
2Tom W. Keller [3]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)