
Jon A. Lind

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5EEHorst F. Wedde, Jon A. Lind, Guido Seghert: Distributed real-time task monitoring in the safety-critical system Melody. ECRTS 1999: 158-165
4EEHorst Wedde, Jon A. Lind: Novel Principles for Developing and Evaluating Distributed Safety-Critical Systems. ISADS 1999: 392-
3EEHorst F. Wedde, Jon A. Lind: Integration of task scheduling and file services in the safety-critical system MELODY. ECRTS 1998: 18-25
2 Horst Wedde, Jon A. Lind: Building Large, Complex, Distributed Safety-Critical Operating Systems. Real-Time Systems 13(3): 277-302 (1997)
1 Horst Wedde, Jon A. Lind, A. Eiss: Achieving Dependability in Mission-Critical Operating Systems Through Adaptability and Large-Scale Functional Integration. ICPADS 1994: 655-661

Coauthor Index

1A. Eiss [1]
2Guido Seghert [5]
3Horst F. Wedde (Horst Wedde) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)