
Zone-Ching Lin

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7EEZone-Ching Lin, Chih-Yuan Ho: A strategy for improvement of the C. IJMTM 10(2/3): 310-322 (2007)
6EEZone-Ching Lin, Ship-Peng Lo: Effect of different tool flank wear lengths on the deformations of an elastic cutting tool and the machined workpiece. IJCAT 25(1): 30-39 (2006)
5EEZone-Ching Lin, Da-Chang Chen: Static information model of the cell controller layer for integrated circuit packaging with the unified modelling language. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 15(1): 69-85 (2002)
4EEZone-Ching Lin, Q. Y. Liu: Algorithm for the normal direction error analysis of surface mesh grids for searching measuring points. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 13(4): 335-344 (2000)
3EEZone-Ching Lin, Jin-Jer Chow: Application of the grey system in the planning of the measuring points under the range of the dimensional tolerance of a plane workpiece. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 13(6): 555-566 (2000)
2EEZone-Ching Lin, Da-Yuan Chang: Application of a neural network machine learning model in the selection system of sheet metal bending tooling. AI in Engineering 10(1): 21-37 (1996)
1EEZone-Ching Lin, Chi-Chih Shen: An investigation of an expert system for hydraulic circuit design with learning. AI in Engineering 9(3): 153-165 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Da-Yuan Chang [2]
2Da-Chang Chen [5]
3Jin-Jer Chow [3]
4Chih-Yuan Ho [7]
5Q. Y. Liu [4]
6Ship-Peng Lo [6]
7Chi-Chih Shen [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)