
He Lin

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10 He Lin, Xiaoxu Li: Generalization of Reduction in Rough Sets Based on the Views of Pansystems. FCS 2008: 180-184
9 Haixia Li, Aiping Wu, He Lin, Yongli Li, Fangqin Zhang: Research of Reduction from the View of Pansystems. FCS 2008: 196-200
8 Fang Liu, He Lin: A New View of Difference and Identity Relation in Rough Sets Based on Pansystems Duality Transformation. FCS 2007: 213-218
7 Haixia Li, He Lin, Jiajia Wang: Rough Set Approximation and Rough Set Attribute Reduction Based on Pansystems Topology. FCS 2007: 235-239
6 He Lin, Haixia Li: The Insert Taxis Based on Pansystems Topology. FCS 2007: 240-244
5 Yu Jiang, He Lin: A Pansystems Extremum Algorithm for Attribute Reduction Based on Discernibility Matrix. FCS 2007: 268-272
4EELili Wu, Yongli Li, He Lin: Generalized rough equivalence and generalized rough inclusion based on equivalence operator of pansystems of rough sets. GrC 2005: 679-682
3EEAn Shi, Wang Jian, Zhao Zebin, He Lin: Venture firms value analysis: a control rights allocation model. ICEBE 2005: 714-721
2 Ying Liu, Xiaoyan Wang, He Lin, Lili Wu, Yongli Li: An Initial Study for a Complete Model of Granular Computing From the View of Pansystems Theory. IICAI 2005: 2380-2388
1 Xiaoyan Wang, Ying Liu, Yongli Li, He Lin: A New View of Granularity from Pansystems View of Difference and Identity. IICAI 2005: 2455-2463

Coauthor Index

1Wang Jian [3]
2Yu Jiang [5]
3Haixia Li [6] [7] [9]
4Xiaoxu Li [10]
5Yongli Li [1] [2] [4] [9]
6Fang Liu [8]
7Ying Liu [1] [2]
8An Shi [3]
9Jiajia Wang [7]
10Xiaoyan Wang [1] [2]
11Aiping Wu [9]
12Lili Wu [2] [4]
13Zhao Zebin [3]
14Fangqin Zhang [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)