
C. Y. Lin

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6EEH. K. Ma, B. R. Hou, H. Y. Wu, C. Y. Lin, J. J. Gao, M. C. Kou: Development and Application of a Diaphragm Micro-Pump with Piezoelectric Device CoRR abs/0802.3070: (2008)
5 S. H. Chen, C. Y. Lin, C. S. Cho, C. Z. Lo, C. A. Hsiung: Primer Design Assistant (PDA): a web-based primer design tool. Nucleic Acids Research 31(13): 3751-3754 (2003)
4EEChyi-Ren Dow, C. C. Shen, J. H. Lin, Sheng-Chang Chen, C. Y. Lin: A Virtual Laboratory for Macro Universities Using Mobile Agent Techniques. Int. J. Comput. Proc. Oriental Lang. 15(1): 1-18 (2002)
3EEWen-Shyen E. Chen, C. Y. Lin, Yao-Nan Lien: A Mobile Agent Infrastructure with Mobility and Management Support. ICPP Workshops 1999: 508-
2EEC. J. Kuo, C. Y. Lin, John R. Deller Jr.: Set theoretic estimation through triangular noise distribution. ISCAS (3) 1999: 70-73
1EEY. S. Tarng, C. Y. Lin, C. Y. Nian: An optimization approach for the fuzzy control of turning operations. ANNES 1995: 145-148

Coauthor Index

1S. H. Chen [5]
2Sheng-Chang Chen [4]
3Wen-Shyen E. Chen [3]
4C. S. Cho [5]
5John R. Deller Jr. (Jack R. Deller, J. R. Deller) [2]
6Chyi-Ren Dow [4]
7J. J. Gao [6]
8B. R. Hou [6]
9C. A. Hsiung [5]
10M. C. Kou [6]
11C. J. Kuo [2]
12Yao-Nan Lien [3]
13J. H. Lin [4]
14C. Z. Lo [5]
15H. K. Ma [6]
16C. Y. Nian [1]
17C. C. Shen [4]
18Y. S. Tarng [1]
19H. Y. Wu [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)