
Philipp Liegl

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10EEPhilipp Liegl: Conceptual Business Document Modeling using UN/CEFACT's Core Components. APCCM 2009: 59-69
9EEChristian Huemer, Philipp Liegl, Thomas Motal, Rainer Schuster, Marco Zapletal: The development process of the UN/CEFACT modeling methodology. ICEC 2008: 36
8EEChristian Huemer, Philipp Liegl, Rainer Schuster, Marco Zapletal: A 3-level e-Business Registry Meta Model. IEEE SCC (1) 2008: 441-450
7EEChristian Huemer, Marco Zapletal, Philipp Liegl, Rainer Schuster: Modeling Business Entity State Centric Choreographies. CEC/EEE 2007: 393-400
6EEPhilipp Liegl: The Strategic Impact of Service Oriented Architectures. ECBS 2007: 475-484
5EEChristian Huemer, Philipp Liegl: A UML Profile for Core Components and their Transformation to XSD. ICDE Workshops 2007: 298-306
4EEChristian Huemer, Marco Zapletal, Philipp Liegl, Rainer Schuster: Worksheet-Driven UMM Modeling of B2B Services. ICEBE 2007: 30-38
3EEBirgit Hofreiter, Christian Huemer, Philipp Liegl, Rainer Schuster, Marco Zapletal: UMM Add-In: A UML Extension for UN/CEFACT's Modeling Methodology. ICSOC 2007: 618-619
2EEBirgit Hofreiter, Christian Huemer, Philipp Liegl, Rainer Schuster, Marco Zapletal: Deriving executable BPEL from UMM Business Transactions. IEEE SCC 2007: 178-186
1EEBirgit Hofreiter, Christian Huemer, Philipp Liegl, Rainer Schuster, Marco Zapletal: UN/CEFACT'S Modeling Methodology (UMM): A UML Profile for B2B e-Commerce. ER (Workshops) 2006: 19-31

Coauthor Index

1Birgit Hofreiter [1] [2] [3]
2Christian Huemer [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9]
3Thomas Motal [9]
4Rainer Schuster [1] [2] [3] [4] [7] [8] [9]
5Marco Zapletal [1] [2] [3] [4] [7] [8] [9]

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